Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Secret Greek Kid

Hey guys. I recently updated the White Elephant Blogathon post below to reflect a handful of stragglers who showed up a bit late to the party. I’m still expecting a few more participants, so keep checking back in between now and the end of the week for more reviews.

Additionally, I just found out that Rufus de Rham, who was set to contribute to the White Elephant, was taken to the hospital a few days back. Shaka Shervington, Rufus’ bud at Paper Spaceships, has assured me that Rufus is going to be fine. Still, my thoughts go out to him, and I’m hoping for a speedy recovery.

Meanwhile, writing a review for the White Elephant has semi-reinvigorated my desire to review movies regularly. So while you’re here, check out my thoughts on the following recent releases:

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